Things have been going great with baby, in fact I feel a little guilty that I haven't really had any "pregnancy ailments" at all. I get heartburn from time to time, and sometimes my RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) will keep me awake at night, but other than that, things have been so easy.
Now the I'm well into the second trimester the biggest difference I'm noticing is my truck driver's appetite. I am ALWAYS hungry, although luckily I get full quickly, so I'm not eating like a horse, but it seems like even the thought of food at any time of the day sends my tummy into a rumble.
I have been meaning to start taking belly pictures for a couple weeks now. I want to document all the amazing changes, but I couldn't find the charger for my camera battery for a little bit, so I took the 1st picture today.
17.5 Weeks
It's amazing how much my belly has grown in such a short time, although I still find it hard to think I actually look pregnant. I know that people who know me, and know I'm preggo see it, but I always wonder if to a stranger I just look like I need to hit the gym. In another 3-4 weeks though I think it will be pretty obvious. At least I hope so, since we're almost half way!
I finally broke down this week and got some maternity pants. I found that all my regular pants were juuuuust tight enough to be painful around the belly. Jamal wasn't too happy about me spending the money, we're trying to save everything we can for when I'm not working, but I can't walk around with my pants unbuttoned all day, so it had to be done.
The most exciting thing I have to report is that last night, 4/1/11, I felt the 1st baby kick. It caught me off guard, so at first it took me a second to process. I was lying in bed watching Dancing with the Stars on my laptop. I had my hand on my lower belly when I felt a little punch. It was right on my hand. I've been concentrating so much lately when I go to bed on trying to feel some form of movement, so most nights I fall asleep with both hands under my belly, just waiting for that moment, and here it was. I remembered thinking that from the inside it felt like a jumping muscle, I get those from time to time, but they always last a little while, so I knew it wasn't that. Plus, the way it felt on my hand was to intense to have been anything else. Afterwards I kept thinking maybe it wasn't the baby, but I know it was... and then of course I spent the rest of the night straining to feel anything else. Which, of course, I didn't. I tried talking to it, coaxing it a bit, but it didn't listen to me :) The saddest part though, was that Jamal wasn't home. All I wanted was to share that moment with someone, especially someone as invested in this little thing as I am. I just hope that the kicks will start coming more frequently, and he'll be here to feel and witness them too.
On an end note, we're 2.5 weeks away from our 20 week ultrasound!!! Keep your fingers crossed that our little one will let us see who they are, Jonah or Olivia.
Love you all,
:) your beautiful, you two are going to make amazing parents. Baby poe is blessed :)